Air purifier, heater and cooling fan
Special Mention WT Award 2018
Quality Of Life
Appliance focusing on human comfort and well-being has multi-function like air purifier, heater and cooling fan. When set to “Heat” mode, the appliance cleans the indoor air before heating it and releasing in the room with a gentle, enveloping airflow. When set to “cool” mode, the appliance cleans the indoor air before releasing in the room with a gentle, enveloping airflow. The product’s 3D Comfort Air Technology guarantees the ideal airflow able to envelop the person head-to-toe in a clean, warm or cool comfort zone. The 3D Comfort Air Technology combines a 360 dual-layer particulate air-filter cleaning up the air from allergens and pollutants with a custom designed brushless fan motor. Its functions improve the indoor air quality effectively reducing risks of headaches, eye irritation, allergies and fatigue. The product is also equipped with countdown timer, motorized oscillation, and adjustable airflow direction. All the functions are activated by the ergonomic remote control.